Friday, October 2, 2015

Week in Rewind: Oct 1

This was one fast week.  It started last weekend when daddy ran the Dragon Race. 2nd in age group with a sub 6:30 pace, not too shabby.

We then headed over to the little guy's first kindergarten related birthday party. There was lots of kickball, pizza and cake.  But most importantly, the little guy held is own in the new friends department.

We also made our way back to karate. Let's be honest, soccer and the little guy were not a very good match.  A strange love affair of passion (to drink red Gatorade) and pain (running full force into the goal, obliterating it).  So as with any bad relationship, we moved on.  And I have to say, he looks quiet good in karate with his cat like reflexes.  Just ask daddy when the little guy springs on him with no warning and screams "I'm a Ninja"....ok, I'm pretty sure that's not Korean, but it's a start.

We ended the week preparing for a hurricane, say what!  So mommy cut the last of Great Grandmom's roses and brought a few inside.  And what should emerge the next morning, a caterpillar that the little guy affectionly calls "snuggles".   Snuggles is living pretty high on the hog by missing the 50 degree temps, pouring rain and wind...but as of now, a hurricane going out to sea.  Hiiiigh Ya....

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