Friday, November 1, 2013

Week in Rewind: November 1

This week started out with a birthday celebration.  Went out to a lovely dinner on the river. The views were incredible. Someone spent his time watching Peppa Pig. And yes, the little guy totally LOVES that show. Giggling hysterically at it. Hovering around the IPad.  Stopping all talking while it is on. Honestly, I don't know how families did the dinner thing out without it. Brilliant!

Where art thou Great Pumpkin?  Last night, we celebrated Halloween. And this year, someone totally got it. Mama, let me get this straight, say Trick or Treat, and I get candy. DONE.

With the greatest of ease, someone hit those houses up in his quest for candy, all the way to the other side of the development. And he even pointed out a house that we missed with the first go around.  Spider-man was in his element. Surrounded by all of the kids in the development, big and small.  Now, the minor detail of all of that candy.  At breakfast, Mama, can I have a piece of candy?  Oh boy

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