Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fight on!

Ok, time to get down to business. It's been a rough week, what with the storms, lack of sleep and the coming out of the terrible twos with the little guy. But you know what, we should be in a bad mood. A terrible loss to Arizona. And the arrogant Oregon Ducks coming into town.

But we Trojans are a resilient bunch. And as the little guy likes to say "Fight On Michael!"

So we're ready to squash the ducks. To warm up, the little guy found an innocent little caterpillar and before Mma could yell "Noooo", down came the foot. Mama likes the exuberance just not on a tiny little creature, but remember we're an angry bunch right now (so well give him this one).  Like the attitude buddy just go duck hunting instead....

So as we hunker down tonight to watch our favorite team, well fight like Trojans. The little guy will be running around screaming Fight On. Mama will be pulling out her hair. And dada will be chilling with a beer. That's how we roll in this household.

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