Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Another Day Down

We spent a quick weekend with my parents.  As I write, it is so quiet in the house.  It always makes me realize how much I miss having my family around.  I know one thing, we did a lot of grilling and eating on the deck.  And there is still a whole lot of food still in the fridge.

No real news on the adoption front.  We made another request to Korea to have certain pictures taken.  Unfortunately, last week they failed to include a ruler for our doctor to review.  So, now we are still waiting for the pictures and he'll have to come back into the agency.  Last week, he also had his Visa Physical so the clock is still ticking to bring him home.

Today, we received news from our agency that there will be no EP submissions for June, which really stinks for those families.  The Korean Foreign Ministry has decided that the next batch will be submitted and approved in July.  Something tells me that they are starting to run out of EPs and are purposely dragging it out until a later date.  That's why getting our son medically situated is so important.

And now to a fun fact.  How many days of limited sleep does it take to exhaust Little Miss Ma'tte?  She reached her max last night and we've never seen her so tired.  That would be 4 days without her blissful daytime sleep.  She got so desperate the little stinker snuck upstairs to her bed for some quick sleep time.

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